Digital platform overall configuration diagram

Enterprise Planning & Simulation

Global Market Management Planning Solution
The only profit and loss estimation and forecasting solution based on weight and amount of SAP results

Simulations factor

Helps organizations reduce expenses and make decisions
  • Sales volume
  • Purchase price
  • Production quantity
  • Sales price
  • Planned exchange rate
  • Cost planning

Batch execution

Costing engine + cost allocation engine

Profit and loss estimation and analysis

  • Planned quantity/cost payment
  • Planned income statement
  • Trend analysis by material
  • Planned manufacturing cost statement
  • Net Sales/Profit Margin Analysis
  • Performance/plan difference analysis
SAP management planning
requires the ability to understand and control
all data!

The planning system on SAP is after collecting sales, purchasing, and production plans
Run the entire plan repeatedly whenever specific plan changes are needed

The resulting inefficient data Increased, time increased, accuracy decreased presences

INFORACTIVE schemes establish Convenience advantages

INFORACTIVE (INFORACTIVE) means that when a plan is
Real-time reflection logic of unit planning through
simulation function is implemented

Budget management

INFORACTIVE (INFORACTIVE) is in all areas of production, sales,
and purchase
You can calculate and allocate planned costs equal to quantity/unit price and all cost information and base performance
After the initial profit and loss calculation, the estimated and predicted value of profit and loss based on the Simulation Factor
Can be reflected in real time across the entire planning area

INFORACTIVE Consolidated ledger based on amount, quantity, and payment

SAP FI, CO, SD, MM, PP, PS data aggregates

Genetic Algorithm Modelling & Simulation

optimization Case

Cost functions (additional purchases, disposal, etc.) can be minimized or maximized 'The optimal combination of production quantities for each productWhen 'is derived

How to run optimization

Genetic Algorithm Modelling & Simulation
  • A. Definition of genetic algorithms: Mechanisms of genetics and evolution of living organisms in terms of engineering
    An optimization exploration method to find a solution (solution) to a problem by modeling
  • B. Genetic algorithm operation
  • 1) Randomly generated population of n chromosomes (candidates for the problem; Start with production quantity combinations).
    2) Each group of individuals (production quantity combination)Each chromosome in(Production quantity) x suitability fCompute (x).
    3) Each group of individuals (production quantity combination)Top suitability in f(x) Select only X
    4) Selected in section '3) 'above XA group of individuals(Production quantity combination)Repeat the steps below until n generations of offspring have been produced
  • a. Select 1 parent (asexual reproduction) from the current population of X individuals.
    b. Multiplies by Y to form Y children, but each child applies a mutation in the range of ± σ.
    c. Replace the current group of entities with a new group of child entities.
    d. If not the last n generation, go to step '2) '.
  • 5) If up to n generations of offspring are produced, The highest level of suitability for the last generation fGroup of entities in (x)(Production quantity combination)is selected as the year.

Genetic Algorithm
Utilized production quantity optimization sequence


What is an LLM for business External data (general purpose GPT DB) and
Internal data (purchasing, production, logistics, sales, accounting, and facility data unique to the relevant company)
This is required

환각효과를 제거하기 위해  RAG(Retrieval-AugmentedGeneration) 을 포함하는 파인튜닝
INFORACTIVE 계획 수립, 인포랙티브, SBT Global, 에스비티글로벌

INFORACTIVE schemes establish Convenience advantages

Solutions Beyond
