ESG management

CEO Message

SBT Global Co., Ltd. is dedicated to enhancing customer satisfaction through the provision of comprehensive solution development and consulting services, underscored by a strong commitment to technological advancement. Our efforts are continually expanding in alignment with the global emphasis on corporate social responsibility (CSR), reflecting our dedication to fostering sustainable business practices and technological innovations. This commitment is crucial as we aim to create new growth opportunities and strengthen our competitive edge by diversifying our offerings and pioneering new technologies. Our strategic approach is designed to adeptly respond to market dynamics, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth. Moreover, SBT Global Co., Ltd. is steadfast in its commitment to the implementation of robust Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices aimed at enhancing our corporate value. Recognizing the importance of CSR in today's business landscape, we are proactive in adhering to both domestic and international regulatory frameworks. Our comprehensive ESG initiatives are geared towards promoting environmental conservation, upholding ethical governance, and supporting labor rights, safety, cooperative development, and social contributions. We evaluate the impact and effectiveness of these initiatives on an annual basis to ensure continuous improvement.
As part of our ESG strategy, we are initiating the development of ethical management guidelines. These guidelines will establish a framework for employee conduct and decision-making, ensuring alignment with our core values and ethical standards. We invite you to engage with and support these efforts as we strive to meet our social responsibilities and reinforce our standing as a responsible corporate citizen in the community. Your continued trust and support are invaluable to us at SBT Global Co., Ltd., and we look forward to advancing our shared goals.
Seo Byung gu
CEO of SBT Global Co., Ltd.

Top 10 ESG management principles

  • Establish a transparent and sound governance structure
  • We pursue happy management that all stakeholders sympathize with
  • Obey the law and comply with ethical regulations
  • Does not tolerate corruption
  • Respecting human rights and embracing diversity
  • Create a safe and healthy environment
  • We pursue customer satisfaction by providing the best quality
  • Contributing to sustainable development through environmental management
  • Actively respond to climate change
  • It exerts a positive influence on local communities and future generations.

Environmental management policy

  • We contribute to social development through transparent disclosure of environmental management results and active communication with stakeholders.
  • Minimize environmental risks through strict compliance with domestic and international environmental regulations.
  • We contribute to energy saving and resource recycling by discovering and implementing environmental elements.
  • All members voluntarily participate in and implement environmental management activities aimed at responding to climate change.

Practical items for environmental activities in daily life

Using public transportation
Use a personal Tumblr
Using a handkerchief
Maintaining the proper temperature for air conditioning and heating
Turn off the power when taking a break or leaving work
Participate in mobile phone resource recycling
Use computer power saving programs
Get rid of individual trash cans
Participate in environmental protection volunteer activities
Pledging climate companionism

Employee participation in environmental protection volunteer activities

Social Contribution Strategy

Social Contribution Vision: Spreading good influence through voluntary participation of employees
Areas of focus on social contribution: Support for socially disadvantaged people such as women and children, participation in community environmental clean-up activities, support for families in crisis, etc.
Social Contribution Goals: Building a Loved Company through Responsibility and Consideration
Social contribution slogan: Build trusting relationships by constantly communicating with various stakeholders

Social Contribution Charter

As an innovative company that supplies generative AI-based management platforms, we are committed to implementing social contribution activities as follows.

We recognize social contribution activities as a basic duty and have a sincere and voluntary attitude of participation.
We actively support them to share with needy neighbors and develop their own vision through various resource activities utilizing our technology and resources.
We take the lead in true consumer-centered social contribution activities by forming various social contribution networks such as local communities, rural villages, and municipal cooperation.
We take the lead in spreading a donation culture so that all employees can realize the happiness of sharing through donations.
We strive for continuous social contribution activities with steady interest and practice.

Code of ethics

We respect our customers and strive to make them satisfied and impressed.
We faithfully protect shareholders' return on investment through transparent and efficient management
We comply with all laws and regulations and a sound and fair trade order in our business activities
We secure mutual trust and pursue common development through fair transactions with our partners
We comply with social norms and practice social responsibility through environmental protection and social contribution
We strive to establish a corporate culture of mutual trust and respect among employees.
We oppose all forms of corruption, including unfair acquisition and bribery

Company disclosure

■ 요약재무상태표
(단위: 백만원, %)
항목 2022/12 2023/12
금액 구성비 증가율 금액 구성비 증가율
유동자산 5,371 33.6 78.4 6,997 40.0 30.3
당좌자산 5,371 33.6 78.4 6,997 40.0 30.3
재고자산 0 0.0 - 0 0.0 -
비유동자산 10,612 66.4 61.5 10,507 60.0 -1.0
투자자산 122 0.8 144.0 157 0.9 28.7
유형자산 10,323 64.6 5,035.8 10,076 57.6 -2.4
무형자산 90 0.6 -12.6 0 0.0 -
기타비유동자산 78 0.5 -98.8 274 1.6 251.3
자산총계 15,983 100.0 66.8 17,503 100.0 9.5
유동부채 3,458 21.6 128.3 6,001 34.3 73.5
비유동부채 7,853 49.1 46.2 4,701 26.9 -40.1
부채총계 11,311 70.8 64.3 10,702 61.1 -5.4
자본금 500 3.1 0.0 500 2.9 0.0
자본잉여금 0 0.0 - 0 0.0 -
이익잉여금 4,173 26.1 68.8 6,301 36.0 51.0
자본총계 4,673 29.2 73.4 6,801 38.9 45.5
부채와자본총계 15,983 100.0 66.8 17,503 100.0 9.5
■ 요약손익계산서
(단위: 백만원, %)
항목 2022/12 2023/12
금액 구성비 증가율 금액 구성비 증가율
매출액 19,792 100.0 65.8 24,039 100.0 21.5
매출원가 13,836 69.9 - 17,933 74.6 29.6
매출총이익 5,956 30.1 -50.1 6,106 25.4 2.5
판매비와관리비 3,732 18.9 -67.5 3,278 13.6 -12.2
영업이익 2,225 11.2 401.1 2,829 11.8 27.2
영업외수익 149 0.8 -49.2 51 0.2 -65.8
영업외비용 287 1.5 205.3 573 2.4 99.7
법인세차감전계속사업이익 2,086 10.5 224.4 2,306 9.6 10.6
당기순이익 2,013 10.2 215.5 2,229 9.3 10.7
The Corporate Ethics Counseling Center addresses employees' violations of laws and regulations such as the Fair Trade Act, unfair demands using status (money, entertainment, convenience, etc.), payment complaints, leakage of private information, and other acts of fraud or misconduct
The Corporate Ethics Counseling Center protects the identity of the consultant and the contents of the consultation report in accordance with relevant procedures, and strives to process the information received as soon as possible.
It is a convenient place to consult and report online about matters where employees have learned about or are suspected of violating corporate ethics.
  • Fraud or corruption, such as embezzlement of company funds, use of company assets, etc.
  • Accounting misconduct (manipulation of accounting data, unfair payment delays, etc.)
  • Leakage of company information and unfair acquisition of private information from third parties
  • Human rights violations such as workplace harassment or sexual harassment between members
  • Using a superior position to handle counterpayment requests and unfair business processing as a result of refusing requests
  • The act of requesting or accepting money, entertainment, or convenience
  • Requests for joint acquisition of property and requests for cash loans, etc.
  • Violations of laws and regulations such as the Fair Trade Act, grievances of human rights violations through violation of corporate ethics, etc.

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